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COPD App Spacer Smart COPD is the new, simple, free and anonymous way for you to assess your likelihood of a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exacerbation. Smart COPD is available for you to input your health measurements.
The Smart COPD App should only be used by COPD patients. Consult with your physician if you are in doubt. Get It Here
Flu Shot Info Spacer Doctors recommend that people with COPD get an annual flu shot to avoid any breathing complications from the flu and a pneumococcal vaccine to prevent pneumonia
Flu Shot: The flu (influenza) can cause serious problems for people who have COPD. Flu shots can reduce your risk of getting the flu. Talk with your doctor about getting a yearly flu shot.
Pneumococcal Vaccine: This vaccine lowers your risk for pneumococcal pneumonia and its complications. People who have COPD are at higher risk for pneumonia than people who don't have COPD. Talk with your doctor about whether you should get this vaccine.
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COPD Foundation Spacer The COPD Foundation was established to undertake initiatives that result in expanded services for COPD and improve the lives of individuals affected by COPD.
The Foundation’s activities focus on achieving these results through research, education and advocacy programs that will lead to prevention, and someday, a cure for this disease.
Learn More Here

Lung Institute
Lung Institute: 84% of Lung Institute patients with COPD reported an improvement in quality of life within three months of treatment.
Examples of quality of life improvements include increased mobility in situations such as climbing stairs, increased energy in day-to-day activities, reduced or eliminated oxygen use and/or reduced need for medications.
More Info Here

COPD Foods Spacer Energy-Boosting Foods for COPD
COPD requires more energy for breathing. The muscles required for breathing by a person with COPD may require as much as 10 times more calories because it takes more effort to move air through obstructed airways. However, too many calories result in weight gain that can exacerbate COPD.
View this complete slideshow which is designed to help people strike a healthy balance for people with COPD and their nutritional requirements. View Here

DRIVE4COPD is a community-centered public health initiative to educate, inform, and screen millions of people who may be at risk for COPD.
As many as 24 million Americans have COPD but approximately half don't know it and remain undiagnosed.
Take The Screener Now

COPD Statistics
For the purpose of the statistical facts presented here, only emphysema and chronic bronchitis are included in the figures and estimates.
When you think about the number or people also affected by asthma, as well as the over 200 or more restrictive lung diseases on record, these figures are, indeed, very frightening and overwhelming. More Statistics Here

COPD Blog Spacer Nearly half of people who suffer from COPD, do so undiagnosed, and few people know much about the disease. Most don’t learn about COPD until it affects them or someone they care about.
To better understand COPD, let’s examine a few myths about the disease. Read Them Here

COPD Support Spacer COPD-Support provides a variety of programs where patients and caregivers can connect with others, sharing ideas and experiences.
We are here to communicate with one another; to share ideas and knowledge; to support one another; and by doing so promote a longer, better-quality of life. Get Started Here

COPD Gold Stage Spacer The Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD - because GIOLD sounded weird) is an international collaboration of experts in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Every so often the GOLD gang releases another update of their standard-setting GOLD guidelines. (Read PulmCCM's 2014 GOLD guideline review and our COPD Review).
Plus the New 2017 GOLD Guidelines for COPD Released

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

What is COPD
Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary (PULL-mun-ary) disease, is a progressive disease that makes it hard to breathe. "Progressive" means the disease gets worse over time.
COPD can cause coughing that produces large amounts of mucus (a slimy substance), wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and other symptoms.
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of COPD. Most people who have COPD smoke or used to smoke. Long-term exposure to other lung irritants, such as air pollution, chemical fumes, or dust, also may contribute to COPD.

To understand COPD, it helps to understand how the lungs work. The air that you breathe goes down your windpipe into tubes in your lungs called bronchial (BRONG-ke-al) tubes or airways.
Within the lungs, your bronchial tubes branch into thousands of smaller, thinner tubes called bronchioles (BRONG-ke-ols). These tubes end in bunches of tiny round air sacs called alveoli (al-VEE-uhl-eye).
Small blood vessels called capillaries (KAP-ih-lare-ees) run through the walls of the air sacs. When air reaches the air sacs, oxygen passes through the air sac walls into the blood in the capillaries. At the same time, carbon dioxide (a waste gas) moves from the capillaries into the air sacs. This process is called gas exchange.

The airways and air sacs are elastic (stretchy). When you breathe in, each air sac fills up with air like a small balloon. When you breathe out, the air sacs deflate and the air goes out.
In COPD, less air flows in and out of the airways because of one or more of the following:
  • The airways and air sacs lose their elastic quality.
  • The walls between many of the air sacs are destroyed.
  • The walls of the airways become thick and inflamed.
  • The airways make more mucus than usual, which can clog them.
Normal Lungs and Lungs With COPD
In the United States, the term "COPD" includes two main conditions, emphysema (em-fih-SE-ma) and chronic bronchitis (bron-KI-tis).
In emphysema, the walls between many of the air sacs are damaged. As a result, the air sacs lose their shape and become floppy. This damage also can destroy the walls of the air sacs, leading to fewer and larger air sacs instead of many tiny ones. If this happens, the amount of gas exchange in the lungs is reduced.
In chronic bronchitis, the lining of the airways is constantly irritated and inflamed. This causes the lining to thicken. Lots of thick mucus forms in the airways, making it hard to breathe.
Most people who have COPD have both emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Thus, the general term "COPD" is more accurate.

COPD is a major cause of disability, and it's the third leading cause of death in the United States. Currently, millions of people are diagnosed with COPD. Many more people may have the disease and not even know it.
COPD develops slowly. Symptoms often worsen over time and can limit your ability to do routine activities. Severe COPD may prevent you from doing even basic activities like walking, cooking, or taking care of yourself.
Most of the time, COPD is diagnosed in middle-aged or older adults. The disease isn't passed from person to person, you can't catch it from someone else.
COPD has no cure yet, and doctors don't know how to reverse the damage to the airways and lungs. However, treatments and lifestyle changes can help you feel better, stay more active, and slow the progress of the disease.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Public Health Strategic Framework for COPD Prevention

In the spring of 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several partners embarked on an intensive process to examine the current state of knowledge regarding chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) prevention.

The process included identifying public health gaps and generating a set of goals that would define the unique role and contributions of public health in the prevention and control of COPD. This workgroup represented other federal agencies, academia, the health care sector, national organizations, and other COPD stakeholders.

The purpose of this report is to provide a framework that could be used by the public health community to address COPD as an important public health issue.
Read the entire report Here (PDF-4MB)
Spacer What is COPD?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, refers to a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems.
It includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and in some cases asthma.

What causes COPD?
In the United States, tobacco smoke is a key factor in the development and progression of COPD, although exposure to air pollutants in the home and workplace, genetic factors, and respiratory infections also play a role.
In the developing world, indoor air quality is thought to play a larger role in the development and progression of COPD than it does in the United States.

Who has COPD?
Chronic lower respiratory disease, primarily COPD, was the third leading cause of death in the United States in 2014.
Almost 15.7 million Americans (6.4%) reported that they have been diagnosed with COPD.

More than 50% of adults with low pulmonary function were not aware that they had COPD, so the actual number may be higher.
The following groups were more likely to report COPD in 2013:
  • People aged 65–74 years and 75 years.
  • American Indian/Alaska Natives and multiracial non-Hispanics.
  • Women.
  • Individuals who were unemployed, retired, or unable to work.
  • Individuals with less than a high school education.
  • Individuals who were divorced, widowed, or separated.
  • Current or former smokers.
  • People with a history of asthma.
What are the complications or effects of COPD?
Compared to adults without COPD, adults with COPD are more likely to:
  • Have activity limitations such as difficulty walking or climbing stairs.
  • Be unable to work.
  • Need special equipment such as portable oxygen tanks.
  • Not engage in social activities such as eating out, going to places of worship, going to group events, or getting together with friends or neighbors.
  • Have increased confusion or memory loss.
  • Have more emergency room visits or overnight hospital stays.
  • Have other chronic diseases such as arthritis, congestive heart failure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, or asthma.
  • Have depression or other mental or emotional conditions.
  • Report a fair or poor health status.
How can COPD be prevented?
Avoid inhaling tobacco smoke, home and workplace air pollutants, and respiratory infections to prevent developing COPD. Early detection of COPD might change its course and progress
A simple test, called spirometry, can be used to measure pulmonary, or lung, function and detect COPD in anyone with breathing problems.

How is COPD treated?
Treatment of COPD requires a careful and thorough evaluation by a physician. COPD treatment can alleviate symptoms, decrease the frequency and severity of exacerbations, and increase exercise tolerance.
For those who smoke, the most important aspect of treatment is smoking cessation. Avoiding tobacco smoke and removing other air pollutants from the patient’s home or workplace are also important. Symptoms such as coughing or wheezing can be treated with medication.
Pulmonary rehabilitation is an individualized treatment program that teaches COPD management strategies to increase quality of life. Plans may include breathing strategies, energy-conserving techniques, exercise training, and nutritional counseling.
The flu can cause serious problems in people with COPD. Vaccination during flu season is recommended and respiratory infections should be treated with antibiotics, if appropriate.
Patients who have low blood oxygen levels are often given supplemental oxygen.
Here are fifteen (15) PDF text articles about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonery Disease (COPD), click and "Select" one and click "Go".
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Some Miscellaneous Things About COPD
COPD: Nutrition and Your Health

Breathing is hard work if you have COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Your inflamed lungs and partially blocked airways make it a struggle to get air in and out.
That effort to breathe burns a lot of calories, way more than someone with healthy lungs, says Albert Rizzo, MD, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Christiana Care Health System.
As a result, you could lose too much weight. If you fall below a healthy weight, that makes it more likely that your immune system won’t work the way it should. That could set you up for more infections, Rizzo says.

Long-term inflammation, like the kind that comes with COPD, drains your energy, too. You may not feel like exercising, which makes it hard to stay healthy and fit. “If you don’t get enough calories, the extra work it takes to breathe can cause you to lose muscle mass and strength, Rizzo says.
To stay at a healthy weight, get the most calories and nutrition in each bite of food you have during the day, says Joan Salge Blake, clinical associate professor of nutrition at Boston University.
You want to get good, healthy calories and enough protein,” she says. “Make every bite as nutrient-rich as possible.”

Follow these simple tips to help you get more calories throughout your day so you keep your weight and energy levels healthy.
Eat more often. Frequent small meals may help you get more calories than you would by eating one or two big meals a day, Rizzo says.
Large meals might make you feel too full, and that can make breathing even harder, he says.
You might not have the energy to cook a large meal, either. So opt for small dishes that are quick and easy to prepare.
Tip: Top a turkey pita sandwich with a slice of cheese and fresh avocado.

Mix in natural protein sources. Protein-rich foods like nuts and eggs help build muscle mass that you lose when you shed pounds, says Blake, a registered dietitian.
Tip: Toss a handful of almonds or walnuts into Greek yogurt for breakfast or as a snack.
Make a batch of hard-boiled eggs on Sunday nights. Grab these to add to meals throughout the week, or as a quick snack.

Spread on extra fat. A toasted whole-grain English muffin is an easy breakfast or snack. Pile on toppings rich in protein and fats for a quick calorie boost, Blake says.
Fats may help you breathe easier because they make less carbon dioxide, which you exhale as waste when you digest food.
Tip: Slather your bread with peanut butter, almond butter, or hummus. Add full-fat mayo or dressing to your lunchtime sandwich or pasta salad.

Whip up a smoothie. Buy or make your own yogurt and fruit smoothies for a sweet treat that’s rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, and calories, Blake says.
They make great mid-afternoon or evening snacks.
Tip: Toss milk, ice, frozen berries, and plain Greek or regular yogurt into a blender and whip.

Chow on some carbs. Baked potatoes are a great base for adding more calories and nutrients. They’re easy to make in the microwave or oven.
Tip: Stuff a baked potato with cottage or ricotta cheese and steamed broccoli, or chopped avocado.

Reach for the fruit. It's rich in calories, fiber, and vitamins. Choose whatever’s in season for the best flavor. Grapes and bananas pack lots of calories and nutrients.
Enjoy dried treats like raisins, plums, or peaches year-round. Dried fruit has less water, so you can get more punch per bite.
Tip: Mix raisins or dried cherries with nuts and put into plastic, resealable bags for easy snacks.

Choose classic comfort food. No dish is easier or cheaper to make than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Blake says.
Peanut butter is a healthy way to add calories and protein to your diet.
Whole milk or full-fat yogurt gives you calories, protein, and calcium.
Tip: Spread peanut butter on fresh apple slices or whole-grain crackers, and enjoy with a glass of milk.

Pump it up. Look for ways to add protein, fiber, and fat to a simple meal.
Tip: Make a quick stirfry of sliced chicken and veggies in olive oil.
Boost the protein and fiber with a scoop of canned, rinsed beans or whole-grain pasta twirls.

Bonus: Use supplements as needed. High-calorie supplement drinks are sweet and creamy.
These quick and easy drinks are rich in protein and calcium, and they may help you keep your weight up, Rizzo says.
Talk to your doctor or dietitian before you buy any supplement, drink, or bar.
Some are really more like candy, with more sugar than nutrients, Blake says.
COPD: Medication Guidelines
Source: Cleveland Clinic

You have the right and responsibility to know what medications are being prescribed for you. The more you know about your medications and how they work, the easier it will be for you to control your symptoms.
You and your doctor are partners in developing, adjusting, and following an effective medication plan. Make sure that you understand and share the same treatment goals as your doctor.
Talk about what you expect from medications so you can know if your treatment plan is working.
The type and dose of medications you need might change with the season, your location, or other factors. Your medications will also vary with different triggers such as viral infections, allergens, pollution, cold air, and exercise.
For most people with COPD, it takes from several weeks to several months to work out a treatment plan that leads to excellent symptom control.

General medication guidelines
  • Before any medication is prescribed, tell your doctor if you have any allergies. Also tell your doctor about all other medications you are taking including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbal products.
  • Know the names of your medications and what they do. Know the generic and brand names, dosages, and side effects of your medications. Always keep a list of your medications with you, as well as the dosages and frequency of use.
  • Know what side effects to expect from your medications. Call your doctor if you experience unexpected or troubling side effects.
  • Take your medications exactly as prescribed, at the same time(s) every day. Do not stop taking or change your medications unless you first talk with your doctor. Even if you feel good, continue to take your medications. Stopping some medications suddenly might make your condition worse.
  • Have a routine for taking your medications. Consider getting a pill box that is marked with the days of the week. Fill the pill box at the beginning of each week to make it easier for you to remember.
  • Keep a medicine calendar and note every time you take a dose. Your prescription label tells you how much to take at each dose, but your doctor might change your dosage periodically, depending on your response to the medication. On your medication calendar, you can list any changes in your medication dosages as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Wash your hands before preparing or taking medications.
  • Take your time. Double check the names and dosages of all your medications before using them.
  • Regularly fill your prescriptions and ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription. Know your pharmacy phone number, prescription number, medication name, and dose so you can easily call for refills. Try to fill all your prescriptions at the same pharmacy, so the pharmacist can monitor for interactions and provide proper dosing and refills. If your refill medication does not look right, ask your pharmacist to verify that you have received the correct prescription.
  • Do not wait until you are completely out of medication before filling your prescriptions. Call the pharmacy or doctor's office at least two business days before running out. If you have trouble getting to the pharmacy, have financial concerns, or have other problems that make it difficult for you to get your medications, let your doctor know. A social worker might be available to help you.
  • If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not take two doses at the same time to make up for the dose you missed, unless you are instructed to do so.
  • Do not decrease your medication dosage to save money. You must take the full amount to get the full benefits. Talk with your doctor about ways you can reduce the costs of your medications.
  • If you have prescription coverage, make sure you know the terms of your policy. Remind your doctor about the type of insurance coverage you have.
  • Do not stop taking your medication. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about your medication and how it is working.
  • Keep medications stored in their original containers. Store according to the instructions given with the prescription.
  • Check liquid medications often. If they have changed color or formed crystals, throw them away and get new ones.
  • Do not take any over-the-counter drugs or herbal therapies unless you ask your doctor first.
  • When traveling, keep your medications with you so you can take them as scheduled. On longer trips, take an extra week's supply of medications and copies of your prescriptions, in case you need to get a refill.
Helpful facts and tips
  • COPD medications are used to improve your symptoms, but they cannot cure COPD.
  • Most people need to take more than one type of medication. Not everyone with COPD takes the same medication.
  • There are many different COPD medications, and they come in many forms: pills, vapors, powder, liquids, and injections.
  • COPD medications are generally very safe. However, side effects can occur and vary depending on the medication and dose. Ask your doctor to describe medication side effects.
  • The way the body responds to medications might change over time, so your medications might need to be adjusted. Tell your doctor if you notice a difference in how well the treatment plan is working.
Types of COPD medications
  • Oxygen might be prescribed if your lungs are not getting enough oxygen to your blood. Breathing prescribed oxygen increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, reduces the extra work of the heart, and usually decreases shortness of breath.
  • Bronchodilators relax the muscle bands that tighten around the airways. This action opens the airways, letting more air in and out of the lungs, and improving breathing. Bronchodilators also help clear mucus from the lungs. As the airways open, the mucus moves more freely and can therefore be coughed out more easily.
  • Anticholinergics relax the muscle bands that tighten around the airways. This action opens the airways, letting more air in and out of the lungs to improve breathing. Anticholinergics also help clear mucus from the lungs. As the airways open, the mucus moves more freely and can therefore be coughed out more easily. Anticholinergics work differently and more slowly than fast-acting bronchodilators.
  • Leukotriene modifiers might be used. Leukotrienes are chemicals that occur naturally in our bodies and cause tightening of airway muscles, and production of mucus and fluid. These newer drugs work by blocking the chemicals and decreasing these reactions. These medications help improve airflow and reduce symptoms in some people.
  • Anti-inflammatories reduce swelling and mucus production in the airways. As a result, airways are less sensitive and less likely to react to triggers. These need to be taken daily for several weeks before they will begin to control symptoms. Anti-inflammatories lead to fewer symptoms, better airflow, less-sensitive airways, and less airway damage.
  • Expectorants thin mucus in the airways so it can be coughed out more easily. Take these medications with about 8 ounces of water.
  • Antihistamines relieve stuffy head, watery eyes, and sneezing. Although effective at relieving these symptoms, antihistamines can dry the air passages, making breathing difficult, as well as causing difficulty when coughing up excess mucus. Take these medications with food to reduce upset stomach.
  • Antibiotics might be prescribed to treat infections or help you recover from an illness. To help clear up your infection completely or to help you recover more quickly from an illness, it is important to take antibiotics for the full time of treatment, even if your symptoms have improved.
  • Antivirals might be prescribed to treat or prevent illnesses caused by viruses, most frequently to treat or prevent influenza ("the flu"). Influenza is particularly dangerous for people who have COPD.

COPD: Control Drugs
Source: MedlinePlus

Control medicines for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are drugs you take to control or prevent symptoms of COPD.
You must use them every day for them to work well.
These medicines are not used to treat flare-ups. Flare-ups are treated with quick-relief (rescue) drugs.
Depending on the medicine, control drugs help you breathe easier by:
  • Relaxing the muscles in your airways
  • Reducing any swelling in your airways
  • Helping the lungs work better
You and your doctor can make a plan for the control drugs that you should use. This plan will include when you should take them and how much you should take.
You may need to take these drugs for at least a month before you start to feel better. Take them even when you feel OK.
Ask your doctor about the side effects of any medicines you are prescribed.
Be sure you know which side effects are serious enough that you need to call your doctor right away.
Follow instructions on how to use your medicines the right way.
Make sure you get your medicine refilled before you run out.

Anticholinergic Inhalers
Anticholinergic inhalers include:
  • Aclidinium (Tudorza Pressair)
  • Glycopyrronium (Seebri Neohaler)
  • Ipratropium (Atrovent)
  • Tiotropium (Spiriva)
  • Umeclidinium (Incruse Ellipta)
Use your anticholinergic inhalers every day, even if you do not have symptoms.

Beta-agonist Inhalers
Beta-agonist inhalers include
  • Arformoterol (Brovana)
  • Formoterol (Foradil; Perforomist)
  • Indacaterol (Arcapta Neohaler)
  • Salmeterol (Serevent)
  • Olodaterol (Striverdi Respimat)
DO NOT use a spacer with beta-agonist inhalers.
Inhaled Corticosteroids
Inhaled corticosteroids include:
  • Beclomethasone (Qvar)
  • Fluticasone (Flovent)
  • Ciclesonide (Alvesco)
  • Mometasone (Asmanex)
  • Budesonide ( Pulmicort)
After you use these drugs, rinse your mouth with water, gargle, and spit.
Combination Inhaled Medicines
Combination medicines combine two drugs and are inhaled. They include:
  • Albuterol and ipratropium (Combivent Respimat; Duoneb)
  • Budesonide and formoterol (Symbicort)
  • Fluticasone and salmeterol (Advair)
  • Fluticasone and vilanterol (Breo Ellipta)
  • Formoterol and mometasone (Dulera)
  • Tiotropium and olodaterol (Stiolto Respimat)
  • Umeclidinium and vilanterol (Anoro Ellipta)

Quitting Smoking
Source: COPD Foundation

If you’re currently a smoker, the most important thing you can do to slow the progression of your COPD is to quit smoking now!
Smoking can cause your COPD to worsen more quickly if you are smoking. It’s also important for your environment to be smoke-free.
This means you should avoid being in the company of other people who smoke.

There are many options available to help you quit smoking. Options include gums, patches, and prescription medicine among others.
You can find more information from the U.S. Government about the steps you can take to quit smoking by visiting the website.
You can also visit the U.S. Surgeon General’s website and Smoking in America for additional information on how to quit smoking and the impact of cigarette smoking in America.
Need help identifying other resources? The C.O.P.D Information Line can assist!
Call toll-free at 866-316-COPD (2673) Monday through Friday 9am to 9pm Eastern
COPD Related Terms
Source: COPD Foundation

These medications work to relax the muscles in airways through the parasympathetic pathway, by relaxing the tense state of the muscles.
These are available as controllers.

These medicines work to relax the muscles in your airways through the sympathetic pathway.
These are available as rescue relievers and controllers.

A medicine used for relaxing muscles around the lungs’ airways allowing the airways to open up and expand.
These include anticholinergics and Beta-agonists.

Plastic tubing used to supply oxygen through the nose.

Medicines that mimic the action of a group of hormones produced by adrenal glands.
They are anti-inflammatory. This medicine can be inhaled or taken by mouth.

Shortness of breath. Difficult or labored breathing.

Flare-ups of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in which symptoms get worse.
Changes in medical treatment may be needed.

Rapid breathing often caused by being nervous or panicked.

Too little oxygen in the body. Inhaler
A portable device to take inhaled medicine in a couple of breaths.

Liquid Oxygen (LOX)
This is oxygen condensed into a liquid state by extreme cold. A small amount of liquid oxygen is a very large amount of oxygen gas.
The big tank at your house can also fill easy-to-carry smaller tanks when you leave your house. Nebulizer
This is a device that delivers medicines in a fine spray or mist. It requires no special coordination.
It is a good method for getting drugs directly into the lungs.

Oxygen Concentrator
A machine used for oxygen therapy. It has a pump that takes oxygen from the air, and moves it through a long narrow tube into the nose.
It concentrates the amount of oxygen taken from the air.
There are now portable oxygen concentrators available.

Oxygen Therapy
A medically prescribed system of providing supplemental oxygen to the body.
It is prescribed when diseased lungs are not able to meet the body’s oxygen needs.

Pulse Oximetry
This test measures how much oxygen is in your blood. The test is easy, and the result is a percentage.
The doctor will put a sensor on your finger or ear and a light will be used to measure the oxygen content in your blood.
The result of this test may show if you need oxygen therapy.

This is a part of a Pulmonary Function Test. It measures the amount of air able to be breathed out forcefully.
It is used to help diagnose lung diseases.

Mucus, usually loose in the lungs. It may be coughed up.

Links to access for information about COPD
  • American Lung Association Lung Health and Diseases
    The American Lung Association is committed to supporting those affected by COPD. We offer a variety of resources and information about the disease.
    Check out some of our key COPD support and education resources featured below. Or explore our entire COPD section.
  • COPD Foundation About the COPD Foundation
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an umbrella term used to describe progressive lung diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, refractory (non-reversible) asthma, and some forms of bronchiectasis.
    The COPD Foundation’s mission is to prevent and cure Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and to improve the lives of all people affected by COPD.
  • COPD International COPD is NOT a death sentence
    In past years surprising little had actually been learned about COPD. Studies and research were very limited.
    Now, however, things are improving with some very encouraging studies, clinical trials and research under way for medications and treatment protocols.
    Research into such areas as genetics, new medications and treatment protocols promise greatly improved diagnostics and treatments for the future.
  • Everyday Health The Link Between COPD and Lung Cancer
    Most people know lung cancer is a serious consequence of smoking. Fewer people, however, know the connection between lung cancer and a condition not necessarily related to lighting up — COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
    It's a serious lung condition and a key risk factor for lung cancer.
    In fact, 40 to 70 percent of people with lung cancer also have COPD, even if they have never smoked a cigarette.
  • Healthline Am I At Risk For COPD?
    According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic lower respiratory disease, mainly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is the third leading cause of death in the United States.
    This disease kills about 3 million people worldwide each year. Nearly 16 million people in the United States are hospitalized each year because of COPD.
    COPD develops slowly and usually worsens over time. In the early stages, someone with COPD may not experience any symptoms. Early prevention and treatment can help prevent serious lung damage, respiratory problems, and even heart failure.
    The first step is to recognize your personal risk factors for developing this disease.
  • Lung Institute The connection between COPD and Hypertension
    Since the lungs are damaged, the amount of oxygen that goes to the blood is reduced. This produces high blood pressure in the blood vessels from the heart to the lungs, and makes it even more difficult for the heart to pump much-needed blood to the rest of the body.
    This lung disease can also cause the body to produce more red blood cells, which can make the blood thicker and harder to pump.
    The COPD and hypertension working together forces the person to breathe faster in order to take in more oxygen.
  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute COPD: Learn More Breathe Better
    The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provides global leadership for a research, training, and education program to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, and blood diseases and enhance the health of all individuals so that they can live longer and more fulfilling lives
  • Oxygen Worldwide The link between Diabetes and COPD
    COPD is considered as a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes due to inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin resistance and weight gain.
    On the other hand Diabetes may act as an independent factor as it negatively impacts upon pulmonary structure and function. It also results in an increased risk of infection and worsened COPD outcomes.
    Recognizing the inter-relations between these two diseases can help to improve the outcome and medical control for both conditions.
  • WebMD COPD Prognosis
    If you’re one of the 12 million Americans diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), you’re at a turning point.
    Though you're facing a life-threatening lung disease, knowing that you have it means you can start taking action.
    That puts you ahead of another 12 million Americans who don't yet know they may have COPD.
  • World Health Organization Burden of COPD
    At one time, COPD was more common in men, but because of increased tobacco use among women in high-income countries and the higher risk of exposure to indoor air pollution (such as biomass fuel used for cooking and heating) in low-income countries, the disease now affects men and women almost equally.
You may also find more information about COPD at the Medical Links page or the Frequently Asked Questions & Answers page.
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