The Stroke Advocacy Network (SAN) is the voice of the stroke community.
SAN members impact public policy outcomes by influencing decision makers through writing letters, signing petitions, meeting with their legislators, and much more.
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Survivors of heart disease and stroke are not alone. In fact, many of them are sharing their stories to reach out to the community. They share their stories to champion hope and support to help us fight the devastation of heart disease and stroke.
24 million Americans have COPD. Are you one of the missing millions?
It takes less than a minute to find out if you are at risk for COPD.
Take The Screener Click Here
This web site maintains a huge list of medical statistics including misdiagnosis and prevalence/incidence data for hundreds of medical conditions.
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The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. Donate and/or Join
VAERS provides a nationwide mechanism by which adverse events following immunization may be reported, analyzed, and made available to the public. Go Here
About 3 million adults in the US are infected with the hepatitis C virus, most are baby boomers.
Baby boomers, anyone born from 1945 through 1965, should get tested for hepatitis C. Read More
STD - diseases and related conditions
Prevention and Treatment
How You Can Prevent STDs
Basic ways to prevent all STDs. Learn More
Battles are public health priorities with large-scale impact on health and known effective strategies to address them. Read More
Get involved in the fight against stroke
You’re the Cure is the AHA/ASA network of people who advocate for policies
that support a heart disease and stroke-free America. Learn More
This tool provides instant access to state level health and demographic data about adults with disabilities. state profiles,Maps, data tables, state profiles, and much more. Go Here
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics. More Info
A guide to help you quit smoking, including reasons to quit, steps to quit, tips on handling cravings, medications that can help, and what to do if you slip. Try It
The Stroke Help Line is a volunteer-staffed call center for survivors, caregivers, family members and those who have experienced stroke in their lives.
This service can be accessed through 1-800-STROKES (787-6537), menu option 3. Visit Site
Lung Cancer Screening Tool.
Lung Cancer Screening Saves Lives. No One Deserves Lung Cancer. Today; lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer in America.
Should you be screened for lung cancer? Find Out
Nationally Accepted Online CPR Training And Certification
Training courses designed by a team of U.S board certified and licensed medical doctors.
Designed to help the general public as well as teachers, nursing home workers, daycare workers, and other medical workers gain the CPR skills and knowledge needed to help save a life. Check Us Out
Here I will try to have brief information and links to information about all common medical conditions, however there are so very many but I hope that you can find the one you are looking for at one of the links on this page or one of the other pages. You can find more information at the Medical Links Page and the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers page. You will also find several different search boxes or if you wish you can Email Me and I will be glad to try to find the information for you.
You will also find navigation on the menu to pages about the Heart, Heart Attack, Heart Surgery, and Heart Failure. Also Stroke, Stroke Therapy, and Stroke Recovery.
These particular subjects interest me the most because in December 2013 I had Open Heart Surgery and a Ischemic Stroke a couple days after surgery, then had a second Heart Surgery.
You can read more about my medical situation, therapy, conditions, and recovery etc at the About Me page.
I will have links and information about some very rare conditions, many that are seldom heard of but do exist in parts of the world, there are many rare and unusual conditions right here in the United States, some are strange, weird, and even unbelievable. There are conditions that you have probably never heard of or even imagined.
Conditions Overview
Acute conditions are severe and sudden in onset. This could describe anything from a broken bone to an asthma attack. A chronic condition, by contrast is a long-developing syndrome, such as osteoporosis or asthma. Note that osteoporosis, a chronic condition, may cause a broken bone, an acute condition. An acute asthma attack occurs in the midst of the chronic disease of asthma. Acute conditions, such as a first asthma attack, may lead to a chronic syndrome if untreated.
Medical Conditions: A disease, illness or injury; any physiologic, mental or psychological condition or disorder (e.g., orthopaedic; visual, speech or hearing impairments; cerebral palsy; epilepsy; muscular dystrophy; multiple sclerosis; cancer; coronary artery disease; diabetes; mental retardation; emotional or mental illness; specific learning disabilities; HIV disease; TB; drug addiction; alcoholism). A biological or psychological state which is within the range of normal human variation is not a medical condition.
Medical condition is a phrase used in documents for physicians applying to licensing agencies (e.g., state medical boards, malpractice insurance carriers, third-party payers, etc.), which is used to determine a physician’s physical “suitability” to practise medicine.
Here is a few links in no particular order where you may find the information you are looking for or just interested in.
Common Diseases and Conditions A-Z List and Browse Health Centers.
Find relevant and reliable medical information on Diseases and Conditions. Find your medical topic by using the comprehensive A-Z list, click on the Browse Health Centers or one of our categorized listings of Health and Medical Conditions.
Diseases and Conditions in Children click on any Disease or Condition listed to view the articles.
Looking for information about a chronic childhood condition or disease? Read about asthma, allergies, cancer, diabetes, heart murmurs, sleep disorders, and much more.
Medical Conditions and Their Commonly Used Drugs Conditions Listed: Find Brand Name Versions of Generics. This list contains the names of many medical problems and the names of drugs that may be used for their treatment. The drugs are listed either as a generic name or class name. Specific brands are not shown. You may use this tool to find brand name versions of generics. This list is intended only as a guide and is not meant to be 100% complete. Use it for general reference.
The inlcusion of a drug does not mean it is necessarily an appropriate treatment for you. Also, the doctor may prescribe the treatment that is not listed, but according to your medical history is quite appropriate for you.
Qualifying Conditions for Medical Marijuana by State Do I qualify for Medical Marijuana?
Although cannabis remains illegal on the federal level in the United States, some individual states have legalized cannabis for valid medical purposes (and two states, Washington and Colorado, have legalized cannabis both medically and recreationally).
Here's a list of which states authorize medical marijuana for valid, qualified patients. Each entry includes a link to the state's qualifying conditions, as well as a rundown of which medical conditions and symptoms must be verified by a physician in order to get authorized as a valid medical marijuana patient. Please note that some states allow physicians to approve other medical conditions not listed on a case-by-case basis, so check with your doctor.
Health Issues for Seniors and Elderly Age Related Conditions and Diseases
Health Conditions listed with link to professional medical information for each condition listed.
Chronic Diseases and Conditions The Leading Causes of Death and Disability in the United States
Chronic Diseases and Conditions such as Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, and Arthritis, are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems:
- As of 2012, about half of all adults 117 million people had one or more chronic health conditions. One of four adults had two or more chronic health conditions.
- Seven of the top 10 causes of death in 2010 were chronic diseases. Two of these chronic diseases, heart disease and cancer together accounted for nearly 48% of all deaths.
- Obesity is a serious health concern. During 2009–2010, more than one-third of adults, or about 78 million people, were obese (defined as body mass index [BMI] ≥30 kg/m2). Nearly one of five youths aged 2–19 years was obese (BMI ≥95th percentile).
- Arthritis is the most common cause of disability. Of the 53 million adults with a doctor diagnosis of arthritis, more than 22 million say they have trouble with their usual activities because of arthritis.
- Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower-limb amputations other than those caused by injury, and new cases of blindness among adults.
Read more statistics and information at this site.
The 10 Most Expensive Common Medical Conditions Over the course of a year two out of every 1,000 people will rack up $100,000 or more in medical bills. These are the “high cost patients” who make insurance premiums go up and bedevil policy makers. These are people who are really sick.
The conventional wisdom is that with better prevention, wellness, care-coordination, insurance reforms, and so forth, medical spending could be averted. But one thought is that a lot of the really sick people are suffering from maladies like cancer or dementia that are not so easily preventable or avoidable.
There’s a lot of hand-wringing about how expensive our medical system has become. But what if it’s because we take good care of people who are sick and need the help? (God forbid!)
Read more views and information.
The 15 Most Common Health Concerns for Seniors Getting older can bring health challenges. By being aware of these common chronic conditions, you can take steps to stave off disease as you age.
People in America today can expect to live longer than ever before. Once you make it to 65, the data suggest that you can live another 19.3 years, on average. For many, then, senior living includes carefully managing chronic conditions to stay healthy. “You need to be physically active and eat a healthy diet," and also make healthy lifestyle choices, like quitting smoking and losing weight, to avoid senior health risks. Then you too can be among the 41 percent of people over 65 who say their health is very good or excellent.
The 15 are listed alone with information about each and links to more information.
Seattle Children's: Hospital-Research-Foundation Common Childhood Conditions. A reference library on childhood conditions
You'll find clear information on childhood conditions. Each condition page is divided into three sections: overview, diagnosis, and treatment. At the top of each condition page, there's a link to the department treating that condition at Children's so you can connect with the right resources to learn more or to make an appointment.
Child Health, Disability, & Medical Conditions There are a number of health concerns children face today these pediatric conditions are the most common chronic childhood diseases.
There are a number of health concerns children face in the world today. The most common chronic childhood disease today is tooth decay. Children may face health issues that include ADHD, Arthritis, Asthma or Allergies, Autism, Blindness or Deafness. There are several chronic childhood diseases children may experience. Diabetes can affect children. Ear infections are a common childhood malady. Some children are born with birth defects, and some develop heart conditions. Newborn screening is an issue that parents need to be aware of, as well as childhood obesity. There are also a number of different skin conditions that children may experience.
A Guide to Geriatric Syndromes Common and often Related Medical Conditions in older adults.
Americans are living longer and healthier lives. Even so, many older adults develop geriatric syndromes, which are problems that usually have more than one cause and involve many parts of the body. Doctors called geriatricians, who have advanced training in the care of older adults and other geriatrics healthcare professionals can play an important role in diagnosing and managing these syndromes.
There are many treatments available for these conditions that can help you maintain your independence and quality of life. For more information on the individual conditions visit .
Ask Doctor K. (Dr Anthony Komaroff, Harvard Medical School). Do any health conditions affect men and women differently.
Dear Doctor K:
It’s obvious that there are some health problems that affect only women, and others that affect only men. But for the health problems that affect both women and men, are there differences in symptoms, or in reactions to treatments?
Read the answer at the site.
Medical Conditions that can be caused by Drug Abuse National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) found that in 2012, approximately 23.9 million Americans ages 12 and over had used illegal drugs at least once in the month before the survey.
Some people assume that drug use has few, if any negative consequences. They believe that using drugs is simply an easy way to relax, focus or have fun. The truth about drug abuse, though, is that it can damage a person’s body in multiple ways, both physically and psychologically. Because of these potentially life-threatening dangers related to drug abuse, a person should avoid drug abuse whenever possible, and should seek out professional help if they are currently struggling with a drug use disorder.
Here statistics are listed as well as the long and short term effects of drug abuse.
The following links are to information about Medical Conditions that are Rare, Strange, Bizarre, Weird, Shocking, or just plain Unbelievable.
10 Of The Strangest Known Medical Conditions
Treemen and zombies and werewolves, These things may sound like fiction, but these nicknames are actually associated with certain rare diseases. Here are 10 of the most unusual and rare medical conditions out there.
6 Bizarre Medical Conditions that Shouldn't be Possible
No one ever forgets the first time their body malfunctioned in some way they didn't even know was possible ("Why is my poop green?"). The body truly is miraculous in its ability to unleash new horrors when we least expect it.
20 Of The Weirdest and Rarest Diseases Known to Mankind
There are an unfortunate number of people currently living around the world who are experiencing some of the rarest, weirdest diseases known to man. Some of these are probably unheard of by many of you, but they do exist, and they are affecting the daily lives of those who are unlucky enough to have come down with the symptoms. There are treatments in some cases, but not all are so lucky. In fact, the majority have no known treatment and they still baffle doctors everywhere.
25 Extremely Bizarre Medical Disorders
These aren’t your average run-of-the-mill common colds. These medical conditions are so crazy that some of them don’t even have names (in which case we of course took the liberty of naming them). So just remember this list next time you have to pay a visit to that dreaded doctor’s office and be glad that you don’t have any of these 25 extremely bizarre medical disorders.
10 Strange Medical Conditions You've Never Heard Of
When most people think of strange medical conditions, what comes to mind is Tourette’s syndrome or albinism. But the world of ailments is seemingly infinite, just when you think you’ve heard it all, there comes more.
World's 15 Weirdest Diseases & Medical Conditions
The world is truly a hypochondriac's nightmare, full of thousands upon thousands of painful and debilitating diseases and medical conditions, from the mundane to the highly unusual. But you don't see these 15 disorders every day. Extremely rare and unbelievably bizarre, the world's weirdest health issues range from possessed hands that can't be controlled to a metabolic disorder that makes sweat, urine and breath stink like putrefying fish.
The Weirdest, Most Unbelievable Medical Conditions You've Never Heard Of
Spring is here and that means pollen's here along with it. And for a lot of us, pollen means itchy eyes and runny noses. Seasonal allergies are terrible, sure, but compared to these crazy medical conditions, you can handle them. After all, would you rather be allergic to pollen...or water?
Here are 10 of the weirdest medical conditions on the planet. They're hard to live with, but they're very rare, so the likelihood of coming down with one is pretty slim.
15 Bizarre Medical Conditions That Sound too Insane To Be True
When most people think of bizarre medical conditions, what first comes to mind is the "tree man" or a few other fascinating at the same time horrible ailment documented and exhibited in the Discovery Channel. But the fact is, the world of is infinite. So here we have 15 bizarre medical conditions you’ve probably never heard of.
Top 10 Strangest And Most Exotic Diseases
In the non-medical world, people often use the word disease to refer to infections, sickness, illness, or even addictions. In the medical world however, a disease is an abnormality that will impair bodily functions and is often associated with certain signs and symptoms.
We’ve compiled a list of the top ten strangest and most exotic diseases from all over the world. Be fair warned however, some of the these descriptions and pictures are not for the faint of heart or hypochondriacs for that matter.
13 of the World's Most Unbelievably Bizarre & Fascinatingly Rare Medical Conditions
Our world is a hypochondriac's nightmare, with thousands of medical conditions and terrifying diseases ready to strike against the human body, many ranging from the mundane to the highly unusual.
The following 13 conditions are just as bizarre as they are rare. From "Possessed Hands" to "Vampire Syndrome", to having extra limbs and the ability to transform into a "Wolfman", familiarize yourself with some truly strange medical complexities.
12 Rare And Bizarre Medical Conditions
This is a slideshow with 12 images with condition description for each medical condition.
Warning: Some Images may be disturbing to you.
Difference Between Acute and Chronic Conditions and Diseases
Acute vs Chronic
The difference between acute and chronic when used for diseases is that acute means extremely severe pain, brief and dangerous disease whereas chronic refers to a medical condition that lasts over a long period.
Chronic also means something always present and recurring or something habitual. Acute may refer to a geometrical angle that is less than ninety degrees and it is called an acute angle.
People often get confused with these terms acute and chronic in medical conditions. Usually, acute means sudden onset of a disease or injury whereas chronic diseases develop slowly and gradually. Acute condition happens when you cut yourself with a knife or catch a cold whereas chronic medical condition is when you suffer from pain and disease over an extended period of time.
In an acute medical condition,a person may recover fast and and be relieved of the symptoms soon but in a chronic medical condition ,the disease may last a lifetime and it may take longer to get relief from the disease.
Acute injuries can become chronic medical conditions. For instance, if someone severely hurts his back, he can develop chronic backache pain.
Acute disease symptoms also last for a short time whereas chronic disease symptoms may take more than three months to subside eventually.
The term acute in diseases is not an indication of the severity of the disease. It is used to indicate the length or period of time the disease or pain lasted or how fast it developed.
Some examples of acute diseases are bad throat and influenza whereas examples of chronic diseases that are persistent and may recur are kidney trouble, diabetis or cancer etc
In some cases acute diseases resolve themselves whereas in the case of chronic disease the patient may have to be hospitalized or taken to the doctor often. Chronic Patients with chronic diseases are required to take prescribed medication for longer periods of time whereas patients with acute diseases may not require any medication at all.
They can also get over -the -counter medicines to relieve pain and symptoms. Acute health effects can be reversed but chronic health effects are often known to be irreversible. Summary
Acute pain starts suddenly which could be a result of injury or a certain medical condition such as a headache or toothache.
Chronic pain is slow growing process of pain developing in certain parts of body.
Acute pain diminishes quickly whereas chronic health conditions may last for the rest of one’s life.
Chronic patients need to be hospitalized often and have to stick to prescribed medications.
Acute patients may need no hospitalization and this health condition is often reversible. On the other hand, chronic medical conditions are often irreversible.
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All health and health related information contained within the Your Heart and Health Medical Information Website is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a health care professional. The advice is intended to offer only a general basis for individuals to discuss their medical condition with their health care provider. Your health care provider should be consulted regarding matters concerning the medical condition, treatment and needs of you and your family.
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CDC is the nation's health protection agency, working 24/7 to protect America from health and safety threats, both foreign and domestic. CDC increases the health security of our nation.
Founded by Lynn B Goddess in April 2000 for Stroke Research in Women as a legacy to her mother who died of complications from stroke. Lynn's journey meeting the demands and challenges of her mother's illness dramatizes the overwhelming gap that exist between perception and reality when it comes to stroke in women.
Read the article "What Women need to know about stroke" in StrokeSmart Magazine Click Here
Get a brief definition of dozens of cardiovascular terms from our A-Z Heart and Stroke Encyclopedia and get links to in-depth information.
The mission of the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) is to provide public health leadership to improve cardiovascular health for all, reduce the burden, and eliminate disparities associated with heart disease and stroke.
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) not caused by a heart valve problem is a type of irregular heartbeat that was estimated to affect approximately 6.4 million people in the U.S. in 2014.
For some quick facts about Afib and Stroke Click Here
An up to date web site, you can find the health information you are looking for here.
Take the approximately 2.5 minute tour and learn more. Start Here
It's not just a man's disease.
1 in 3 women die of heart disease and stroke.
But it can be prevented.
Join us to receive simple, inspiring tips to live a heart-healthy life. Learn More
AHA Compliant Online CPR Certification that over 600,000 professionals trust. Means you can train and test online and print your CPR certificate instantly! Get Yours
Improve your life and the lives of others when you join the AHA/ASA Support Network
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Get quick answers to quick questions. Read More
The COPD Foundation is a non-profit organization created in 2004,
Established to undertake initiatives that result in expanded services for COPD and improve the lives of individuals affected by COPD. Learn More
One out of every 10 cancer patients who receives chemotherapy gets an infection that requires a hospital visit. More Info
Start here to learn the basics of HIV and AIDS and learn how to take steps to prevent transmission and protect yourself from HIV.
50% of young people who have HIV don't know they have it. Get the facts HERE
About 1 of 3 adults, 67 million people have high blood pressure.
High blood pressure makes your heart work too hard and increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. Learn More
Very interesting and detailed charts and graphs for states, federal regions, and territories. More Info
True stories from previous smokers who have quit after having serious heart problems. A lot of tips and suggestions to help you quit. Click Here
People with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, or be overly active
ADHD can't be cured, but it can be successfully managed and some symptoms may improve as the child ages. Read More
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